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Authentic You
Accountability Membership

Providing Everything You Need to Successfully Build, Manage, and Grow your Acting Career ...

without breaking the bank.

Hey, I get it.... You want someone you can call or text who can answer your questions...​

"I feel like nothing is happening, but I have no idea what to do differently..."

"I feel like I'm already doing everything!!! Do I REALLY have to do all of these things?"

"I'm not sure what agency to submit to or how to go about it? and/or Am I really ready for an agent?"

"I'm so busy and exhausted from my survival job... I don't have any energy to do auditions, let alone self tape, self submit, or try to network.." 

This is where the Accountability Membership comes in!

Each membership tier offers weekly ways for you to check in with a coach on a regular basis + monthly coaching sessions and discounts on coaching, classes, & workshops.




  • One 20 minute virtual meeting/month with your coach to answer general questions (does not rollover)


  • One self tape/audition feedback (can rollover once in a 90 day period)

  • Option to Drop In to Weekly Study Halls ($12 per drop in)

  • 5% OFF Audition Coaching sessions only




  • One 20 minute virtual meeting/month with your coach to answer questions (does not rollover)


  • One self tape/audition feedback *email only* (can rollover once in a 90 day period)


  • Texting access to Allesondra on Mondays 


  • Option to Drop In to Weekly Study Halls ($8 per drop in)


  • 10% OFF ALL Coaching Sessions with Authentic You coaches




  • One 20 minute virtual meeting/month with your coach to answer questions (does not rollover)

  • One 30 minute audition script analysis session per month (does not rollover)


  • One self tape/audition feedback *email only* (can rollover once in a 90 day period)


  • Texting access to your coach on Mondays & Wednesdays


  • Weekly Accountability Check Ins to help manage career goals, stay in the loop with industry updates, and share experiences within the AY community 


  • 15% OFF ALL Coaching Sessions with Authentic You coaches




  • Unlimited 20 minute virtual meetings with Allesondra to answer questions


  • Unlimited self tape/audition feedback *option for email OR voice memo* (can rollover once in a 90 day period)


  • Unlimited texting access to your coach


  • Weekly Accountability Check Ins to help manage career goals, stay in the loop with industry updates, and share experiences within the AY community

  • 20% OFF ALL Coaching Sessions with Authentic You coaches


  • 20% OFF Workshops with outside coaches and industry professionals

*ALL Memberships require a 3 month subscription to start and then membership is month to month*

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